Welcome to Andiamo Recording

Andiamo Recording is located in Mount Edgecombe, KZN, that provides a wide range of audio services for musicians and businesses. Andiamo offers a wide range of services, including demo tracks, full albums, audio books and radio ads. Andiamo prioritises smooth recording sessions by taking measures to ensure operations continue during power outages and water shortages.

Working Hours

- Mon to Sun : 10h00 - 22h00

- Public Holidays - Closed

- By Appointment Only

  • Demo tracks

  • Full Albums

  • Live Band Recordings

  • Audio Books

  • Voice Overs

  • Radio Ads

  • Audio Ads Social Media | Websites

  • ADR - Automated Dialogue Replacement

  • Post Audio Production

  • Mixing | Mastering


The Vocal Booth

Experience comfort during your recording session in our ventilated and insulated vocal booth.

The booth functions as a versatile space for recording acoustic drum kits, acoustic guitars, string and wind instruments.